Jet Plasma
Jet Plasma is the most advanced Plasma technology used to brighten and tighten skin, shrink pores, and promote high levels of collagen regeneration. This Jet Plasma device was designed with Jet (J Plasma), Cold Plasma, Ozone Plasma and Micro-current.
Ozone plasma has anti-inflammatory and healing properties which is why its able to calm and heal the surface so quickly. This is extremely beneficial for skin issues like rosacea, keratosis, eczema, psoriasis and active acne.
What is Jet Plasma used for?
Hair growth/restoration
Tighten & Lift Sagging Skin
Eczema, Psoriasis & Rosacea
Aging and Damaged skin
Collagen remodeling
Diminishing wrinkles
Safe for melasma
Stretch marks/scars
Can be used on the entire body
Pain free, no downtime
And The Results?
Clients will see a immediate improvement with one treatment.
After a single treatment the skin will continue to improve as high levels of collagen regenerate over the next 6-8 weeks.
For best results a series of treatments is recommended.
Results last 2-5 years with proper skincare and sunscreen, but of course longevity of results depends on age, health, lifestyle factors, sun exposure, etc.
Jet Plasma is a hand held plasma pen device that uses a cooler atmospheric temperature, so it does not create surface trauma like traditional fibroblast plasma (NO DOWNTIME, NO DOTS).
This advanced plasma technology penetrates 13,000 volts of Plasma into the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production and remodel the cellular structure from the inside out.
Our device is 13,000 volts, J-PLASMA surgeons use 17-18,000 volts.
Products matter greatly at this time since they are able to reach the deeper layers of the skin that otherwise would not be possible without needle injection.
Series of 3-8 are recommended, neogenisis stem cell serums are included.
Face Individual- $325
Series of 3 - $900
Face and neck Individual-$400
Face and Neck series of 3-$1200
Neck individual- $325
Neck Series of 3-$900
Hair restoration
Single treatment-$350
Series of 3-$975
Please inquire about other areas on the body.
Discounts are given when multiple areas are purchased at the same time.